By | September 10, 2018

C4DTools Cinema 4D Plugin – Real Book 2.2.1 Full Cracked Download CLEAN

here it is, but a slightly modified version!
Now in the “Control” tab under the “Page Dimension” section, you can find a list link to add or remove/substitute the pages, without the needs to open the expresso tag anymore!
I think you’ll find it useful and it will speed up your workflow!

Real Book. Create your book with all the pages you need, adjust the size, the animation, rotate the base, flip through a page one at a time, and much more.

How to add pagesTo add pages you need to perform some steps:

1. Duplicate one or more pages using Control-drag or the Duplicate function in C4D.

2. Make sure that the order is correct.

3. Open the main XPresso Tag and Click on the big node with green header.

4. On the Attribute Manager’s Node Properties page there is a box with the current pages inside. Drag the new pages in the box and keep all the pages in the correct order.

5. Done!


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