By | March 3, 2015

Here is the most wanted list of After Effects top 10 Keyboard shortcuts for all beginners and experts!

These keyboard shortcuts are essential when working with Adobe After Effects to make the VFX workflow more efficient, more organic and simply… flow better!

There are a ton of keyboard shortcuts for Adobe After Effects and in this video I will show you my top 10!

1. Move / Hand / Zoom / Rotate = V, H, Z, W

2. Frame forward / backward = Page Down / Page Up
Hold down shift to move 10 frames forward or backward

3. Duplicate layer = CTRL + D

4. Pre-compose = CTRL + SHIFT + C

4. Reveal properties (position, scale, rotation, opacity) = P, S, R, T

5. Show keyframes = U

6. Next / Previous Keyframe = J, K

8. Zoom To 100% = ALT + /

9. Open Layer Settings = CTRL + SHIFT + Y

10. Add to render queue = CTRL + SHIFT + /

If you are working on a Mac, CTRL is the same as Command and SHIFT is the same as the Option key

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