REAL TIME PERFORMANCE Proxy cars are 120 vertices duplicates of real cars – same shape, dimensions and color. Pm, care don’t slow down your file but ads like you use realistic ones. (in render realistic ones turn on automatically)
EASE OF USE By putting cube in front of the cars you can slop them, pulling cube away means <ar can go and speed up to the speed you have chosen in addon (in kin/h).
SPEED ZONES You con the slow down or speed up the tors the are in speed zone one right on the speed you choose lin km/h) rest of the curve won’t be affected.
TURNING INDICATORS Turning indicators woik same way as speed zone, all automatic and on all our cars. The only thing you chosse is where and which side should blink.
PARKING LOTS Empty parking lots packed in seconds. With Iwo methods M Mosso from. 1. Along the curve – belief for bigger parking lots. 2. On vertices – more coninolloble.
PROCEDURAL MATERIALS Procedural comaint, dirt, splashes, scratches, and rust. Specific color palette for each car, ability to tom on and off lights and 0.1/101if brake lights.