RM_CurveMorph is a tool made by the geometry node of the 3DCG software Blender. Applies to a curve object as a modifier to transform the specified object along the curve.
Working version
Blender 4.0.0 or later
How to register to the asset library
RM_CurveMorph is made by Blender’s geometry node. Therefore, it is a good idea to register it in the asset library and use it.
Download the zip file from the RM_CurveMorph page on Github and unzip it
Open Blender’s [Preferences] → [File Path] → [Asset Library]. You can check the folder paths that can be used as asset libraries. Copy the “RM_TOOL” folder from the folder you unzipped earlier to this folder path.
When you restart Blender and display the asset library, you will see the RM_TOOL item, and if it contains sample meshes in addition to RM_CurveMorph, the registration to the asset library has been successful.
how to use
If it has been registered to the asset library, RM_CurveMorph will be displayed in the list of modifiers for the curve object, so select it as the modifier.