Joealter Shave & Haircut v9.6v7 Maya 2016 2018 Full Crack Easy Download CLEAN!
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1. Install.
2. Install the RLM server (server_rlm12_1.exe).
3. Copy the files fron rlm_joealter_win to the RLM install dir.
(If you already install RLM server for other plug-ins before, copy the files to that folder as well)
4. Run “hostid_rlm.bat” to get host name for “YOURHOST” and host id for “YOURHOSTID”, which you have to edit later in the licence file. ( Once run, “hostid_rlm.bat” will generate “hostid.txt” file for you and you will find host name and many host ids).
i.e host=DESKTOP-2M7O1DI
e82aea046a73 e82aea046a74 e82aea046a77…
4. Edit the joealter.lic file and change YOURHOST and YOURHOSTID ( just choose one hostid of many others).
i.e HOST DESKTOP-2M7O1DI e82aea046a73 5053
ISV joealter
FEATURE joealter shave_license 9.6 31-dec-2099 999 issuer=”Team AMPED” customer=”Team AMPED” hostid=e82aea046a73 sig=”3CarGarage”
FEATURE joealter shave_rendernode 9.6 31-dec-2099 999 issuer=”Team AMPED” customer=”Team AMPED” hostid=e82aea046a73 sig=”3CarGarage”
FEATURE joealter shave_interactive 9.6 31-dec-2099 999 issuer=”Team AMPED” customer=”Team AMPED” hostid=e82aea046a73 sig=”3CarGarage”
5. Edit the joealter_client.lic and change YOURHOST.
i.e SERVER localhost
6. Start the RLM server (run_rlm.bat). ( You could type “localhost:5053 or localhost:5054” in the browser to check if RLM is working. If it is working, the RLM server page will be loaded, where you could check the status.)
7. Load the plugin in Maya. If it is not working, you will asked to use trial license for 15 days. If that’s the case, try editing YOURHOST in joealter_client.lic to the “localhost name”, which you could find after starting the RLM server and typing ‘localhost:5053 or localhost:5054’ in the browser. ( i.e in the browsing address reads, “fox:5054”. So your “localhost name” is ‘fox’.)
i.e change “SERVER localhost” to “SERVER fox”.