By | September 10, 2018

Foundry CAMERATRACKER 1.0v10 After Effects CC 2015.3 Win/MAC Full Crack Download CLEAN!

CAMERATRACKER for After Effects® plugin allows you to pull 3D motion tracks and matchmoves without having to leave After Effects. It analyses the source sequence and extracts the original camera’s lens and motion parameters, allowing you to composite 2D or 3D elements correctly with reference to the camera used to film the shot.

You can now match camera moves within Adobe® After Effects®’ 2.5D environment, opening up new, robust options for the placement of composite elements. Create Fringe / Heroes style ‘in scene’ titles, insert animated design elements, match-move virtual set extensions, motion-track projection mapping and much more.

This 3D motion tracking technology was previously only available in NUKEX, The Foundry’s high-end film compositing tool. You can now do all this in Adobe® After Effects® without exiting your application.

Where Adobe’s onboard 3D Camera Tracker offers ease of use and high automation for a wide range of users, The Foundry’s CAMERATRACKER will continue to offer greater control over complex tasks. CAMERATRACKER continues to be the tool of choice for those needing extra help when facing tricky tracking tasks on complicated projects thanks to its refinement options, advanced 3D feature preview and lens distortion handling.


CameraTracker 1.0v10 is supported on the following platforms for After Effects 2015.3:

  • Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, or 10.11
  • Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10


For support of earlier After Effects versions (CS6, CC, CC 2014), please use the previous CameraTracker release (version 1.0v9).


Windows :

Mac :

Crack Is Below for both :


password: ahada



1. Extract
2. Goto to AMPED.Ultimate.RLM.Floating.License.Server folder
3. copy folder into C:\
4. Run command prompt as administrator
5. type cd RLM_Windows
6. type install.bat
7. waiting to install License on your machine
8. reboot
9. enjoy it…
1. Extract Extract into your Desktop
2. open Terminal
3. type cd ~/Desktop/AMPED.Ultimate.RLM.Floating.License.Server/RLM_macOS
4. type chmod +x ./
5. type sudo ./
6. in the Terminal type your login password
7. waiting to install License on your machine
8. reboot
9. enjoy it…

Note: If your macOS is older than 10.11 you need to repair disk permissions. Open Disk Utility, select your Hard-drive and click “repair disk permissions”.
Note: If you use macOS 10.12 Sierra, your firewall or 3rd Party Tools like Little Snitch or Hands Off!
1. Extract into your Desktop
2. open Terminal
3. type cd ~/Desktop/AMPED.Ultimate.RLM.Floating.License.Server/RLM_Linux-64/
4. type chmod +x ./
5. type sudo ./
6. in the Terminal type your login password
7. waiting to install License on your machine
8. reboot
9. enjoy it…

You can also check a few infos on the web gui :

if scirpt is not working just chmod +x the .sh file before installing.

Instruction for install The Foundry Camera Tracker

1. Download camera tracker via CGpersia download link
2. Download AMPED MAGIC via link
3. Open archive “AMPED MAGIC” and extract folder “Win”.
4. In folder “Win” we’ve 4 importend files.
Before copy and paste, you should stop the license server. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and go to services and find “Foundry License Server” and right click to stop it. Now you can copy “rlmutil.exe, rlm.exe and foundry.set” to our destination.
Copy “rlmutil.exe, rlm.exe and foundry.set” and paste to “C:\Program Files (x86)\The Foundry\LicensingTools7.0\bin\RLM”.

5. Copy and paste file “foundry.lic” to “C:\Program Files\The Foundry” and after to “C:\Program Files\The Foundry\RLM”.
6. Now if you’re done, start license server in services (step 4.).
7. Done. Camera tracker works

9 Replies to “Foundry CAMERATRACKER 1.0v10 AE CC 2015.3 Full Crack Download!”

  1. ighost01

    I folowwed the steps but nothing worked, Setuping RLM SERVER , in CMD it says aknown path. I tried defrent methodes but nothing worked.

    1. Zaid Sparrow Post author

      i have been running this site for past 3 years do you think i am sharing virus here? have u ever heard of false positive alarms?

  2. Mack Core

    I think you uploaded the wrong files by mistake. The instructions you leave don’t really make any sense because you’re listing files that don’t exist. I’m trying to install cameratracker for after effects. There is no foundry license service running on my computer. I install the rlm server and run it but it’s not connecting to anything because when I load up cameratracker it just says there’s no license and when I click activate it just send me to their website.


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