Notice how if you press CTRL+H with the multiply board selected and collapse it, it will hide unused values and take up minimal space, so we can multiply each of the values without taking up much space.
Quick AO, Get AO, Get Edges, Get Edges + AO
This one is quite self-explanatory. Placing an ambient occlusion node and a color ramp to get a mask is annoying, so I just crammed it into one node (Get AO). The same goes for edges – using a bevel node and getting a mask from a dot product: ew, who needs that? Just use the Get Edges node. Want both AO and Edge data? Use the Get Edges + AO node.
But what about Quick AO? Use this one if you want to quickly darken a surface with ambient occlusion – it lets you pass a base color input and receive the darkened version as an output.