This pack is a solution to some frequent issues when animating and is designed to give an achievable way to instantly inject a believable soul to your digital actor, crossing the uncanny valley with exceptionally natural facial performances that truly engages the audience.
Reallusion has elaborately analysed the common psychological behaviors of human beings, a total of 25 minutes long, 146 facial sequences are meticulously produced at different conscious levels and emotional states. All clips are crafted by professional facial animators and mocap performers, users can easily access them by the following categories.
Conscious – the human mind is always working on something, thinking, planning, recalling, dreaming, worrying, etc
Awareness – humans normally observe the environment, and look around while walking, sitting, waiting, etc
Feel – emotional reaction to the surroundings or people who are interacting with you; positive or negative feelings
Talk and Listen – communication, curious, doubt, agree, disagree, judgment, to one person or to multiple people
Browse information – read a book, phone, magazine, newspaper, or watch a poster, signboard, advertisement
Digital Soul files are saved in the iTalk format which can be used by both CC4 and iClone8, users can click to try on expressions and find the right match easily. For iClone 8 users the creations are endless.
Pack includes:
• 146 Expressions (37 Conscious, 65 Emotion, 28 Talk & Listen, 16 Extended Expressions)