By | September 11, 2018

Unity Bundle 18 Assets 1 Sept 2018 Full Crack Download CLEAN LINK!

AQUAS is a powerful and full-featured water system that contains a set of 12 flat water shaders for all types of platforms, environments and games. It is is highly customizable and feature rich to suit all needs and produce industry quality results.

Final Camera Effects Pro package is a collection of image effects for simulating some properties of real camera lens such as depth of field, vignetting and distortion for Unity 5 (5.6 or higher).


  1. Advanced First Person Controller – AFPC 1.0.unitypackage
  2. AQUAS WaterRiver Set.unitypackage
  3. Car Game Complete Templete.unitypackage
  4. Colorbleed.unitypackage
  5. Darts Starter Kit.unitypackage
  6. Final Camera Effects Pro.unitypackage
  7. House Furniture Pack 1.0.unitypackage
  8. HQ Autumn Dry Maple Trees 1.0.unitypackage
  9. Lighting Box 2 HD Render Pipeline Integration.unitypackage
  10. MoDyEn Car Paint Shader Pack.unitypackage
  11. Next-Gen Soft-Shadows.unitypackage
  12. Pyro Technix.unitypackage
  13. Sci-Fi VFX.unitypackage
  14. Shader Control.unitypackage
  15. Shadow Softener.unitypackage
  16. SUIMONO Water System v2.1.6.unitypackage
  17. uMMORPG 1.131.unitypackage
  18. WorldComposer.unitypackage

Downloads: pls, buy and support the devs!

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