ZBrush 4R8 P2 + Keyshot Bridge Full Easy Crack Download Clean!
- Masking applied to active SubTool will now be visible while Live Boolean is active.
- Mesh dimming for unselected SubTools will now be visible while Live Boolean is active.
- Resolved various Brush issues involving Morph Target usage. (Such as the interaction of the ClayTubes Brush with Morph Targets.)
- Fixed Brushes not maintaining settings.
- Standard Brush now has Adaptive Size set to 0 by default.
- Brush Draw Size ‘Dynamic’ mode will now be stored per Brush.
- Dynamic Brush Scale (in Preferences) now allows a wider range of values.
- Updated GroomClumps Brush to eliminate rendering artifacts.
- Curve Brushes using the ‘Dots’ stroke now work with Lazy Mouse.
- Brush Classic Axis-lock (Shift modifier) will now be used when Lazy Mouse is toggled Off.
3D Print Hub
- Exporting textures with a VRML now supports ‘Selected’ mode.
- Resolved issue with the functionality of ‘Move Bounding Axis to Origin.’
- STL import now correctly imports color STL files.
- Restored missing Material shaders such as: DoubleShader, TriShader and QuadShader.
- Resolved issue of Best Render not working if a BPR render was canceled.
- Fixed UV stretching when creating Planar UV’s on a model.
- LightBox now supports OSX Aliases.
- Material Blend Radius now functions correctly.
- Restored TransPose Inflate functionality.
- Restored TransPose Clip functionality.
- Gizmo3D ‘TransPose All Selected SubTools’ now turns off interlaced rendering when not active.
- Tray Dividers now require a double-click to open or close. This should prevent accidental clicks closing the trays. (This will affect ZScripts that open/close the Trays. See ZScripting Help forum for more info.)
- ZScript command [LoopContinue] now functions appropriately. (ZScripts using [IConfig,4.8] or higher.)
- Exporting Displacement Maps in EXR format now support unicode characters.
- SubTool palette scroll bar no longer creates a blank SubTool List.
- Fixed Ghosting when manipulating models in 3D.
- Eliminated Layer artifacts when going in and out of Record mode.
- Drawing meshes in 2.5D will now respect Classic Axis-Lock (Shift modifier.)
- Fixed custom palette issues pertaining to sliders and shortcuts.
- Fixed BPR rendering issues with FiberMesh and edge detection.
- ZBrush to Keyshot Bridge is now compatible with Keyshot 7.
whats the password for the gravy zip?
what’s the password for the gravy.7z ?
Pass : p@$$w0rd
mr zaid can u upload the crack in other link?
cant download from tiny
need download keyshot too or not?
i dont know
i can’t download the crack
fix that
try now
The crack cant be downloaded, says link will be available after 24 hours :/ and it doesn´t work
dont worry it sin our group you can have it from there as well :)
Podrias subir el crack de nuevo por fa
Thanks dude! Straightforward installation and works perfectly. You’re a lifesaver!