Pluralsight – Creating a Teleportation Effect with Cloud Tank Effects Footage in After Effects Course Free Download
teleportation jutsu! Genki desuka minna! i will be posting a lot of courses and training for after effects from now, brace your selves then! these training are going to make you a lot better then before and great VFX artist! sit tight now. this one is great for fun and making amazing shorts to surprise for even for a project. total video length is i think 3 hours 14 mints.
teleportation type things have all always been favorite to every one and it is kinda cool/awesome or what ever you say. this is just enough to impress any one! lets get to teleportation.
In this course, we will discuss how to composite a teleportation shot using practical cloud tank effects footage. This will include creating the entire composite in Nuke consisting of distortion effects, practical fluid effects integration, and clean plate creation, as well as designing and rendering an additional needed effects element using After Effects’ effects tool set. By the end of the course, you will have created a fun and exciting live-action teleportation effects shot via various elements including cloud tank effects footage. Software required: Nuke 8 and After Effects.
Links not working.
i will try to look for them again after some time.