By | September 10, 2018

Navie Effex and Effex Krakatoa 2.70.60 For Cinema 4D R16 R17 WIN/MAC CLEAN

Rigid Bodies and Fluids are one of the most used features for VFX nowadays. Effex brings these two now together by providing the artist with a quick and easy way to create rigid body dynamics for volumes using the most popular Bullet Physics library.
Furthermore these dynamic volumes can be fully coupled to fluid dynamics allowing two-way interaction. Ships floating on water or cars being carried away by a massive flood based on physical properties like mass and density is a breeze now.

The new surface tension models make the big difference when simulating small scale effects and equip the artist with brand new algorithms based on latest research.
It provides the artist with new ways to create bubble dynamics, wiggling water droplets and similar small scale phenomena increasing realism in these scenarios.

Effex’ high-quality viscosity is not an own liquid dynamics node any longer (viscous liquids) but has been rewritten to now be available as a setting in all fluid dynamics!
This means you can now also use it for any smoke and fire simulation which adds to the realism and quality tremendously (and is not available in any other package we know of).
Also variable viscosity is of course possible to mimic real-world behaviors even more (such as lowered viscosity at higher temperatures).

The new Effex menu is much more intuitive to read with nodes being grouped in a more meaningful way. This makes it more intuitive for the artist to know what nodes logically fit together.
Another workflow enhancement is the new Quicktab that is available in several nodes and contains useful mini-setups involving the specific node. Beside this Effex 2.5 also extents the candidate buttons availability in several nodes increasing workflow speed even more.

Additionally to the volume smoother there is now a mesh smoother which is marvelleous at enhancing your final liquid meshes not only visually, as in smoother, but also topologically, as in better distributed mesh polygons.
This is especially important in rendering quality and later mesh editing procedures.


KrakatoaSR.dll is completely missing from this release. But you can find the dll in the previous version: – For Windows ONLY!

Just follow the instructions contained in “Info.txt”. They must be followed exactly, creating the directory asked for, and adding the registry key to the windows registry, and everything will be fine.

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